While everyone and their dog is getting geared up for the Super Bowl, I'm watching lots of gymnastics!
This afternoon, I'm live blogging Utah at UCLA. Will UCLA rebound from their disappointment last week at Cal? Will Utah dominate the Bruins at home? Refresh the page every 10-15 minutes or so for all the juicy gymnastics goodness with this Pac-12 match-up.
Here we go.
Peng jamming out always makes everyone happy.
First rotation UCLA is on vault, Utah is on bars.
Opening for UCLA on Vault, Janay Honest - FTY - small leg bend, hop to the side. 9.75
Opening for Utah on Bars, Samantha Partyka - jump to hb, kchs, giant 1.1 + jaeger, toe on, bail, DLO, stuck. 9.825
Peng Peng Lee VT UCLA - FTY - big hop back, lots of distance and power. beautiful form in air, slightly piked in air. 9.775
Sabrina Scwab UB Utah - Tkatchev, bail, stalder + double back. small step. 9.75
Angi Cipra VT UCLA - FTY - huge, lots of power, hop back. 9.8
Kassandra Lopez Utah UB - jump KCHS, giant 1/1 + taktchev, huge air bail, KCHS, DLO very straight, stuck landing. 9.925
Sadiqua Bynum VT UCLA - Y arabian, off to the side, small hop. 9.85
Tiffani Lewis UB Utah - Happy Bday! giatn 1/1/ + tkatchev, bail, short HS here and there, DLO stuck. 9.775 <- a="" birthday.="" could="" generous="" have="" her="" here="" in="" it="" judges="" little="" p="" s="" scoring="" since="" thrown="" ucla="">
Madison Preston UCLA VT - FTY - very clean, was it stuck? couldn't quite tell. Nope small hop, replay shows it. 9.85
Breanna Hughes UB Utah - jump KCHS giant 1/1 + tkatchev, bail, full in, step back. 9.775
Sonya Meraz anchors vault for UCLA - FTY very clean, small step back. 9.9
Baely Rowe anchors bars for UTah - giant 1/1 + tkatchev, bail, toe on step down, DLO some piking in the air, but stuck it. 9.8
UCLA vault total 49.075
Utah bars total 49.200
Moving to rotation two, Utah will go to vault and UCLA will go to bars.
Leading off vault for Utah, Makenna Merril - FTY - small hop back, otherwise, very clean. 9.725
Leading off bars for UCLA, Danusia Francis - glide KCHS + maloney + bail, toe shoot, giant 1/1 + double pike. 9.825
Baely Rowe Utah VT - FTY - small shuffle back. good form in the air. 9.775
Hallie Mosset UCLA UB - giant 1/1 + jaeger, pak, short hS there, full in dismount. 9.9
Tiffani Lewis Utah VT - FTY - flares it out, small shuffle back. 9.825
Janay Honest UB UCLA - tkatchev, giant 1/2 + straddle back, full in, step back. 9.8
Samantha Partyka Utah VT - FTY very nice. small slide back 9.875
Sonya Meraz UB UCLA - jump KCHS, toe on + bail, tkatchev, DLO piked in the air and leg separations. 9.8
Breanna Hughes Utah VT - Y 1 & 1/2, short on landing. piked slightly, knee bend. big step on landing. 9.775
Melissa Metcalf UCLA UB - glide KCHS, maloney + bail, toe shoot giant 1/2 + double front dismount. 9.9
Kailah Delaney VT Utah - FTY - huge in air, small step 9.85
Anchoring bars for UCLA, Sophina DeJesus - jump hecht, giant 1/1 + gienger, bail, full in chest down, steps fwd. 9.85
Utah total scores after 2 events: 98.30, vault total 49.1
UCLA total scores after 2 events:98.25, bars total, 49.175
Onto rotation three, Utah will go to floor and UCLA will be on beam.
Mikaela Gerber will lead off beam for UCLA - wolf 1/1, fro aerial + beat jump, BHS + LOSO bal check, spl + sw, stag ring, side somi, BHS + gainer 1/1 dismount. 9.825
Makenna Merrell leads off floor for Utah - FHS + fro 1/1, sw ring + sw 1/2, 2 1/2 + punch front, rudi. 9.775
Sonya Meraz UCLA BB - BHS + BHS + LOSO, sw 1/2, sw + cross straddle, 1/1 turn, round off + 1 1/2 twist dismount. 9.825
Tiffani Lewis FX Utah - double pike, fhs + fro lay + fro 1/1, sw 1/4 + side straddle, double back, bounced out a wee bit. 9.825
Sophina DeJesus BB UCLA - fro aerial wo +back tuck, connection very slow, front toss + BHS, scale, lovely, sw + side straddle to front support, moonwalking -touche!, 1/1 attitude turn, front gainer 1/1 9.85
Kailah Delaney FX Utah - shimmy shimmy, double back, clean, wolf 1/1, sw 1/4 + popa, FHS + fro lay + fro 1/1. 9.875
PENG PENG!!! BB UCLA - flares, love it! great flexibility, sw + spl, BHS + lay 2ft (more like back pike, whatevs), 2/1 turn, aerial cartwheel + 1/1 twist, small hop back. Gorgeous routine. 9.875
Okay,I'm pissed about Peng Peng's score. I think she should have gotten at least a 9.9 but, whatever! Judges be lame like that. :( Humbug!
Sabrina Schwab Utah FX - double pike, 1 1/2 + fro lay, sw 1/4 + popa, 2 1/2 twist stuck. beautiful 9.95
Danusia Francis BB UCLA - silivas mt, fro aerial + beat jump, BHS + LOSO, small wobble there for a sec. or not... sw + split (missed it the first time), 1/1 memmel turn, transverse aerial + 1/1 twist. 9.825 - Amanda Borden thought this was generous, I think I agree...even though I love Nush, this was not her best routine.
Breanna Hughes Utah FX - double pike, very clean, sw 1/2 + wolf 1/1 jump, 1 1/2 + fro lay, double back. 9.9
Madison Preston anchors beam for UCLA - 1st time on beam this season, BHS + LOSO big balance check, sw + cross straddle + straddle 1/4, flexed feet, front tuck, 1/1 turn, punch rudi dismount. 9.725
Samantha Partyka anchors floor for Utah - 1 1/2 + rudi, double back, sw 1/2 + tour jete 1/1, fhs + rudi, very nice. 9.875
Utah score after 3 rotations: 147.725, floor total: 49.425
UCLA score after 3 rotations: 147.450, beam total: 49.2
Final rotation, UCLA will end on floor, Utah will end on beam.
Samantha Partyka leads of beam for Utah - spl + cross straddle, cat leap + aerial, 1/1 turn, BHS +LOSO - solid, sw + spl, round off + 1 & 1/2 stuck it. Flawless routine. 9.875
Leading off floor for UCLA, Mikaela Gerber - double back, short landing, whip + 1 1/2, front aerial, sw ring + sw 1/2, double pike, 9.675
Breanna Hughes Utah BB - BHS + LOSO, 1/1 turn, spl + straddle 3/4, dismounts with aerial + 1/1 twist, stuck. 9.85
Madison Preston UCLA FX - front tuck + double back opening pass, tour jete 1/1 + popa, double pike, ends well. 9.925
Kassandra Lopez Utah BB - sw + sw 1/4, BHS +LOSO, 1/1 turn, front tuck + beat jump, side straddle 1/4, round off + 2/1 twist, small hop back. 9.85
Danusia Francis UCLA FX - silivas ankle turn, whip + double back, aerial cartwheel + scale, 2 1/2 twist , tour jete 1/1 + spl leap, double pike, step back, just to the edge... 9.825
Kailah Delaney BB utah - BHS + LOSO, cross straddle + tuck 1/1 small balance check, 1/1 turn, gainer loso + wolf jump, round off + gainer 1/1 9.875
Sophina DeJesus UCLA FX -, 2/1 front twist, double back, stuck, sw ring + wolf 1/1, 1 1/2 + fro lay + split, very nice. Miss Val should put her on floor more often. 9.925
Miss Moonwalk - Baely Rowe Utah BB - sw + cros straddle, balance check, BHS + BHS + LOSO, 1/1 turn, front toss, big balance check, the moonwalk, round off + 1 & 1/2 hop back. 9.7
Angi Cipra UCLA FX - be prepared for some "you didn't turn your phone off jokes" ugh, double back, sw ring - feed kicked me off so I missed the rest of the routine. Super lame. 9.975
Maddie Stover anchors beam for Utah fro aerial +, bhs + loso, 1/1 turn,, sw + cross straddle, straddle cross, balance check, round off + gainer 1/1 dismount. 9.9?
Sadiqua Bynum anchors floor for UCLA - DLO huge, side pass double tuck, sw 1/2 + tour jete, front tuck + double back. 9.95
Sadiqua just sealed the win for UCLA by .025.
Final scores:
UCLA: 197.100, floor total 49.600
Utah:197.075, beam total 49.350
Wow, that was a close one. UCLA brought it on floor and that sealed the win for them. But it was super close! It could have gone either way.
Join me at 5 p.m. mountain time for Utah State at Denver.
This afternoon, I'm live blogging Utah at UCLA. Will UCLA rebound from their disappointment last week at Cal? Will Utah dominate the Bruins at home? Refresh the page every 10-15 minutes or so for all the juicy gymnastics goodness with this Pac-12 match-up.
Here we go.
Peng jamming out always makes everyone happy.
First rotation UCLA is on vault, Utah is on bars.
Opening for UCLA on Vault, Janay Honest - FTY - small leg bend, hop to the side. 9.75
Opening for Utah on Bars, Samantha Partyka - jump to hb, kchs, giant 1.1 + jaeger, toe on, bail, DLO, stuck. 9.825
Peng Peng Lee VT UCLA - FTY - big hop back, lots of distance and power. beautiful form in air, slightly piked in air. 9.775
Sabrina Scwab UB Utah - Tkatchev, bail, stalder + double back. small step. 9.75
Angi Cipra VT UCLA - FTY - huge, lots of power, hop back. 9.8
Kassandra Lopez Utah UB - jump KCHS, giant 1/1 + taktchev, huge air bail, KCHS, DLO very straight, stuck landing. 9.925
Sadiqua Bynum VT UCLA - Y arabian, off to the side, small hop. 9.85
Tiffani Lewis UB Utah - Happy Bday! giatn 1/1/ + tkatchev, bail, short HS here and there, DLO stuck. 9.775 <- a="" birthday.="" could="" generous="" have="" her="" here="" in="" it="" judges="" little="" p="" s="" scoring="" since="" thrown="" ucla="">
Madison Preston UCLA VT - FTY - very clean, was it stuck? couldn't quite tell. Nope small hop, replay shows it. 9.85
Breanna Hughes UB Utah - jump KCHS giant 1/1 + tkatchev, bail, full in, step back. 9.775
Sonya Meraz anchors vault for UCLA - FTY very clean, small step back. 9.9
Baely Rowe anchors bars for UTah - giant 1/1 + tkatchev, bail, toe on step down, DLO some piking in the air, but stuck it. 9.8
UCLA vault total 49.075
Utah bars total 49.200
Moving to rotation two, Utah will go to vault and UCLA will go to bars.
Leading off vault for Utah, Makenna Merril - FTY - small hop back, otherwise, very clean. 9.725
Leading off bars for UCLA, Danusia Francis - glide KCHS + maloney + bail, toe shoot, giant 1/1 + double pike. 9.825
Baely Rowe Utah VT - FTY - small shuffle back. good form in the air. 9.775
Hallie Mosset UCLA UB - giant 1/1 + jaeger, pak, short hS there, full in dismount. 9.9
Tiffani Lewis Utah VT - FTY - flares it out, small shuffle back. 9.825
Janay Honest UB UCLA - tkatchev, giant 1/2 + straddle back, full in, step back. 9.8
Samantha Partyka Utah VT - FTY very nice. small slide back 9.875
Sonya Meraz UB UCLA - jump KCHS, toe on + bail, tkatchev, DLO piked in the air and leg separations. 9.8
Breanna Hughes Utah VT - Y 1 & 1/2, short on landing. piked slightly, knee bend. big step on landing. 9.775
Melissa Metcalf UCLA UB - glide KCHS, maloney + bail, toe shoot giant 1/2 + double front dismount. 9.9
Kailah Delaney VT Utah - FTY - huge in air, small step 9.85
Anchoring bars for UCLA, Sophina DeJesus - jump hecht, giant 1/1 + gienger, bail, full in chest down, steps fwd. 9.85
Utah total scores after 2 events: 98.30, vault total 49.1
UCLA total scores after 2 events:98.25, bars total, 49.175
Onto rotation three, Utah will go to floor and UCLA will be on beam.
Mikaela Gerber will lead off beam for UCLA - wolf 1/1, fro aerial + beat jump, BHS + LOSO bal check, spl + sw, stag ring, side somi, BHS + gainer 1/1 dismount. 9.825
Makenna Merrell leads off floor for Utah - FHS + fro 1/1, sw ring + sw 1/2, 2 1/2 + punch front, rudi. 9.775
Sonya Meraz UCLA BB - BHS + BHS + LOSO, sw 1/2, sw + cross straddle, 1/1 turn, round off + 1 1/2 twist dismount. 9.825
Tiffani Lewis FX Utah - double pike, fhs + fro lay + fro 1/1, sw 1/4 + side straddle, double back, bounced out a wee bit. 9.825
Sophina DeJesus BB UCLA - fro aerial wo +back tuck, connection very slow, front toss + BHS, scale, lovely, sw + side straddle to front support, moonwalking -touche!, 1/1 attitude turn, front gainer 1/1 9.85
Kailah Delaney FX Utah - shimmy shimmy, double back, clean, wolf 1/1, sw 1/4 + popa, FHS + fro lay + fro 1/1. 9.875
PENG PENG!!! BB UCLA - flares, love it! great flexibility, sw + spl, BHS + lay 2ft (more like back pike, whatevs), 2/1 turn, aerial cartwheel + 1/1 twist, small hop back. Gorgeous routine. 9.875
Okay,I'm pissed about Peng Peng's score. I think she should have gotten at least a 9.9 but, whatever! Judges be lame like that. :( Humbug!
Sabrina Schwab Utah FX - double pike, 1 1/2 + fro lay, sw 1/4 + popa, 2 1/2 twist stuck. beautiful 9.95
Danusia Francis BB UCLA - silivas mt, fro aerial + beat jump, BHS + LOSO, small wobble there for a sec. or not... sw + split (missed it the first time), 1/1 memmel turn, transverse aerial + 1/1 twist. 9.825 - Amanda Borden thought this was generous, I think I agree...even though I love Nush, this was not her best routine.
Breanna Hughes Utah FX - double pike, very clean, sw 1/2 + wolf 1/1 jump, 1 1/2 + fro lay, double back. 9.9
Madison Preston anchors beam for UCLA - 1st time on beam this season, BHS + LOSO big balance check, sw + cross straddle + straddle 1/4, flexed feet, front tuck, 1/1 turn, punch rudi dismount. 9.725
Samantha Partyka anchors floor for Utah - 1 1/2 + rudi, double back, sw 1/2 + tour jete 1/1, fhs + rudi, very nice. 9.875
Utah score after 3 rotations: 147.725, floor total: 49.425
UCLA score after 3 rotations: 147.450, beam total: 49.2
Final rotation, UCLA will end on floor, Utah will end on beam.
Samantha Partyka leads of beam for Utah - spl + cross straddle, cat leap + aerial, 1/1 turn, BHS +LOSO - solid, sw + spl, round off + 1 & 1/2 stuck it. Flawless routine. 9.875
Leading off floor for UCLA, Mikaela Gerber - double back, short landing, whip + 1 1/2, front aerial, sw ring + sw 1/2, double pike, 9.675
Breanna Hughes Utah BB - BHS + LOSO, 1/1 turn, spl + straddle 3/4, dismounts with aerial + 1/1 twist, stuck. 9.85
Madison Preston UCLA FX - front tuck + double back opening pass, tour jete 1/1 + popa, double pike, ends well. 9.925
Kassandra Lopez Utah BB - sw + sw 1/4, BHS +LOSO, 1/1 turn, front tuck + beat jump, side straddle 1/4, round off + 2/1 twist, small hop back. 9.85
Danusia Francis UCLA FX - silivas ankle turn, whip + double back, aerial cartwheel + scale, 2 1/2 twist , tour jete 1/1 + spl leap, double pike, step back, just to the edge... 9.825
Kailah Delaney BB utah - BHS + LOSO, cross straddle + tuck 1/1 small balance check, 1/1 turn, gainer loso + wolf jump, round off + gainer 1/1 9.875
Sophina DeJesus UCLA FX -, 2/1 front twist, double back, stuck, sw ring + wolf 1/1, 1 1/2 + fro lay + split, very nice. Miss Val should put her on floor more often. 9.925
Miss Moonwalk - Baely Rowe Utah BB - sw + cros straddle, balance check, BHS + BHS + LOSO, 1/1 turn, front toss, big balance check, the moonwalk, round off + 1 & 1/2 hop back. 9.7
Angi Cipra UCLA FX - be prepared for some "you didn't turn your phone off jokes" ugh, double back, sw ring - feed kicked me off so I missed the rest of the routine. Super lame. 9.975
Maddie Stover anchors beam for Utah fro aerial +, bhs + loso, 1/1 turn,, sw + cross straddle, straddle cross, balance check, round off + gainer 1/1 dismount. 9.9?
Sadiqua Bynum anchors floor for UCLA - DLO huge, side pass double tuck, sw 1/2 + tour jete, front tuck + double back. 9.95
Sadiqua just sealed the win for UCLA by .025.
Final scores:
UCLA: 197.100, floor total 49.600
Utah:197.075, beam total 49.350
Wow, that was a close one. UCLA brought it on floor and that sealed the win for them. But it was super close! It could have gone either way.
Join me at 5 p.m. mountain time for Utah State at Denver.
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