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Kentucky @ Georgia & Florida @ Alabama Live Blog

It's Friday and that means it's time for NCAA Gymnastics.

Tonight, I'm live blogging Kentucky at Georgia.

Georgia got off to a slow start, but they managed to pull themselves back up. Kentucky is climbing up the ranks as we speak, ranked in the top ten - historic high for Kentucky.

Refresh the page every ten minutes to follow along!

Ashlyn Broussard leads off Georgia on vault FTY - big height, but too much power on landing, hop back. 9.825

Katie Carlisle leads off Kentucky on bars -  giant 1/2 + tkatchev, bail, looses it, double back 9.200

Morgan Reynolds GA VT - FTY, small hop. 9.875

Katrina Coca UB KY -  giant 1/2 + jaeger,  bail, toe on,  full in, small hop. Solid routine.

Beth Roberts VT GA - FTY, good landing.

Sidney Dukes giant  1/2 + tkatchev, + pak,  nice HS, DLO, some leg seps, step on the landing.9.725

Katie Stuart UB KY -  tkatchev,  clear hip + bail,  DLO 1/1, stuck.

Rachel Dickson VT GA - hop on the landing, but beautiful form in the air.

Alex Hyland UB KY -  giant 1/1 + gienger,  bail, full in, hop on the landing.

Gigi Marino VT GA - FTY,  big bounce, but nice form in the air.

Mollie Korth  UB KY gi 1/2 + pike jager,  bail, DLO 1/1, huge! Small hop on the landing

Scores after the first rotation -
Georgia vault - 49.200
Kentucky bars - 48.925

Second rotation - Georgia will be on bars, Kentucky will be on vault

Alex Hyland VT KY - FTY, chest down on landing, step FWD 9.7

Hayley Sanders UB GA -  toe on + giant 1/2 + pike jaeger,  bail,  stalder  double back dismount, stuck.BOOM 9.8

Aubree Rosa VT KY - FTY, hop back 9.825

Morgan Reynolds UB GA -  jump to HB = jaeger,  pak,  toe on,  DLO, small step on the lanidng 9.825

Sydney Waltz KY VT - FTY, big hop on the landing, 9.675

Lauren Johnson UB GA - gienger, missed a handstand on the HB 9.75

Sidney Dukes VT KY - Y 1/2, hop on the landing, nice amplitude 9.825

Natalie Vaculik UB GA -  jaeger,  toe on, full in, stuck 9.9

Katie Stuart VT KY y 1 1/2, lands off center and takes a big step off the mat. 9.725

Rachel Dickson UB GA - toe on + ray + bail, DLO, nice form, flared out in the air, just a hop on the landing. 9.9

Mollie Korth VT KY  = y 1 1/2, big hop, lots of power and amplitude.9.8

Rachel Schick UB GA -   giant 1/2 + pike jaeger bail, DLO, small hop. 9.85

Scores after 2 rotations -
Georgia 98.475, bars 49.275
Kentucky 97.800, vault 48.875

Sabrina Vega BB Georgia -  back shoulder roll,  BHS + LOSO, solid,  fro aerial + beat jump,  MAKE IT RAIN!!!!  side somi,  spl + spl 1/4,  1/1 turn,  side aerial + 1/1 dismount, solid! 9.825

Katie Carlisle  FX KY -double back,  tour jete + spl jump,  back spin,  whip + 1 1/2 + fro tuck, 9.7

Hayley Sanders BB GA -  BHS + LOSO, big wobble,  cat leap,  1/1 turn,  back tuck,  front tuck + beat jump,  punch full dismount, stuck landing. 9.65

Cori Rechenmacher FX  KY -fro tuck + double back,  sw + tuck jump 1/2, double pike. 9.8

Morgan Reynolds BB GA -  front toss, small wobble,  BHS + LOSO, a little off but covers well, the moon walk cat leap + sw side, 1/1 turn,  side somi,  2/1 twist dismount 9.825

Katie Stuart FX KY -  double pike, nicely landed,  1 1/2 + fro lay,  sw ring + wolf hop 1/1,  FHS+ rudi 9.825

Ashlyn Broussard BB GA -  BHS + LOSO, solid,  sw + spl,  1/1 turn,  side aerial, big wobble, but stays on,  cat leap + gainer 1/1 dismount. 9.7

Alex Hyland FX KY -  double pike, a few steps back,  tour jete + wolf 1/2,  1 1/2 + fro lay. 9.85

Vivi Babalis BB GA - fro aerial + LOSO,  sw + spl,  1/1 turn,  front toss, big balance check,  fro 1/1 dismount, hop to the side 9.65

 Sidney Dukes FX KY -  double pike,  sw ring + tour jete,  FHS + fro lay + fro 1/1,  double back. 9.8

Rachel Dickson  BB GA -  sw + spl, falls on her series,  fro aerial + beat jump,  1/1 turn,  2/1 dismount. 9.125

Mollie Korth FX KY -  pike full in, lands with her chest to her knees, sw side + popa,  FHS + rudi + loso,  double pike, finishes well. 9.7

Scores after 3 rotations -
Georgia 147.125, beam 48.650
Kentucky 146.825, floor 49.025

KY Beam Cori Rechenmacher - fro aerial, 1/1 attitude turn,  BHS + LOSO sw + spl, gainer pike dismount. 9.85

Morgan Reynolds FX GA -  fhs + 2/1 twist,  1 1/2 + fro lay,  sw side + popa,  FHS + rudi

Katie Stuart BB KY -Chin Stand, 1/1 turn, sw + double stag ring, BHS+ LOSO,  gorgeous scale! cat leap + tuck 1/1 9.875

Beth Roberts FX GA -  double pike,  FHS + fro lay + fro 1/1. tour jete 1/1 + popa, a little under 180 in her splits on that tour jete,  double back, very nice. 9.8

Hailey Poland BB KY -  BHS + BHS + LOSO, falls,  1/1 turn, fro aerial, sw + double stag ring,  gainer pike, small step. 9.1

Vivi Babalis double back, very big,  Fro lay + fro 1/1,  tour jete, pike jump,  round off + double pike 9.85

Mollie Korth 1/1 turn,  BHS ( 1 arm) + LOSO, cat leap + round off + 2/1 twist dismount 9.75

Sabrina Vega FX GA -  full in, solid,  1 1/2 + fro lay,  sw ring + tour jete,  double pike, beautiful. 9.9

Sidney Dukes BB KY -  1/1 turn,  BHS + LOSO,  sw + beat jump,  sw + side straddle, round off + 1 1/2 twist, that was GINORMOUS! 9.925

Rachel Dickson FX GA - double pike,  1 1/2 + fro lay,  sw side + popa,  double back.

Alex Hyland BB KY -  sw + spl,  cat leap + fro aerial,  BHS + LOSO,  1/1 turn, cat leap + side aerial + tuck 1/1 dismount. Solid.  9.925

Gigi Marino FX GA -  DLO, huge,  tour jete + popa, big amplitude on those leaps,  1 1/2 + fro lay,  head stand,  double back. 9.875

Final Scores
Georgia, 196.500, floor 49.375
Kentucky 196.150, beam 49.325

I'll continue live blogging here for the Florida at Alabama meet, coming up next.

Keely McNeer leads off Bama on vault - FTY, small hop. 9.8 - nope wait it's a 9.75 - judges corrected it

Alicia Boren leads off bars for Florida -  tkatchev,  clear hip + bail, DLO, small hop 9.85

Wynter Childers VT AL - FTY, perfectly stuck. BOOM.

Grace McLaughlin UB FL  toe on + maloney + bail,  toe shoot to HB, giant 1.2 + double front

Abby Armbrecht VT AL - smallish hop on the landing. 9.875

Rachel Gowey UB FL - jump to HB, ray,  toe on + pak,  DLO, baby hop and chest down 9.825

Nickie Guerrero VT AL -  y 1 1/2, solid landing. Looked like she had pretty good form in the air, some soft knees. 9.925

Kennedy Baker stuck her double front dismount off bars. 9.85

KIANA Winston VT AL - Y full 9.85

Amelia Hundley UB Fl -  maloney + pak + toe on + van leeuwen, full in, stuck. 9.875

Katie Bailey VT AL - y 1/2, step FWD. 9.875

Alex McMurtry UB FL- ray,  bail,  toe shoot to HB, full in, small hop, but gorgeous routine. 9.9

Scores after 1 rotation
Alabama 49.375, vault
Florida 49.325, bars

Leading off vault for florida, Amelia Hundley FTY - hop on the landing.

Keely McNeer is the bar lead off for Bama - ray, toe on + bail, DLO, some leg seps, but stuck landing.

Kennedy Baker FL VT - y 1 1/2, stuck. beautiful form. 9.9

Wynter Childers UB Bama - toe on + maloney + bail,  giant 1/1, full in, crazy legs , small foot shuffle on landing

Alicia Boren VT FL - y 1 1/2 - small foot shuffle 9.925

Aja Sims UB Bama - toe on + ray, toe shoot to HB, DLO, small leg seps 9.8

Rachel Slocum VT FL - FHS front pike 1/2, small slide, but beautiful form, height, fabulous 9.925

Amanda Jetter UB ray,  bail, toe shoot to HB,  gi 1/2, double front, hop on landing. 9.9

Alex McMurty VT FL - DTY, hop on the landing.  9.9

Kiana Winston UB AL - ray, pak,  DLO, perfect landing. Her form is just perfection. 9.95

Sierra Alexander VT FL -  FTY, major distance, but took a big step 9.725

Katie Bailey UB -  giant 1/2 + jaeger, bail, toe on, full in gorgeous form, stuck.  9.925

Scores after 2 rotations -
Alabama 98.775, bars 49.400
Florida 98.675, vault 49.350

Keely McNeer Beam  bama, fro aerial + bhs,  1/1 turn,  BHS + LOSO, big wobble,  sw + spl, round off + 1 1/2 stuck 9.825

Grace McLaughlin FX FL -  FHS + fro 2/1, step to the side,  tour jete + wolf 1/2,  FHS + rudi,  1 1/2 + fro pike, 9.8

Wynter Childers BB Bama -  BHS + LOSO, beautiful, 1/1 turn, spL + sheep jump,  fro toss + scale,  round off + 1 1/2 dismount.

Rachel Gowey FX FL -  double pike,  sw 1/2 + wolf 1/1,  double back,  1 1/2 + fro lay.9.85

Mary Lilian Sanders BB Alabama -  fro aerial + BHS,  sw + straddle,  1/1 turn,  BHS + LOSO, big wobble, 9.475

Rachel Slocum FX FL -  double pike,  tour jete + wolf 1/1,  fro 1/1 + fro pike,  FHS + rudi.9.85

Aja Sims BB Alabama -  1/1 turn,  fro aerial + spl jump,  BHS + LOSO, small wobble, but covers,  sw + straddle jump,  gainer pike. 9.9i

Amelia Hundler FX FL - whip + double back,  fro lay + fro 1/1,  sw side + popa,  double pike, gorgeous! GOOOOO MEEEELLLS! 9.875

Kiana Winston BB AL- spl + straddle,  fro aerial + BHS,  1/1 turn,  round off + double back, big hop. 9.9

Alicia Boren FX FL -  full in,  1 1.2 + fro lay,  tour jete + wolf 1/1,  double back.9.925

Nickie Guerrero BB AL -  BHS + LOSO+ LOSO, she's back towards the end of the beam, 9.95

Kennedy Baker FX FL - dos santos,  double back,  sw + tour jete, 1 1/2 + fro 1/2 + straddle jump, 9.95

Scores after 3 rotations -
Alabama 148.2, beam 49.425
Florida 148.125, floor 49.450

Kennedy Baker leads off beam for Florida - fro aerial + bhs, small balance check,  straddle + spl 3/4, kinda under 180. 9.875

Amanda Jetter leads off floor for Alabama -  double arabian,  tour jete + popa,  1 1/2 + crazy twist that she runs out of,  1 1/2 + fro lay. 9.85

Grace McLaughlin BB FL - FRo aerial + BHS, beat + double stag ring,  side aerial, slightly off, but adjusts back, cartwheel + gainer 1/1 hop. 9.8

Mackenzie Valentin FX AL - double front,  fro lay + fro 1/1,  sw side + popa,  double pike,.9.8

Amelia Hundley BB FL -  fro aerial,  BHS + LOSO,  cat leap + swi side,  1/1 turn,  side aerial + 1/1 twist, solid. 9.9

Nickie Guerrero FX Alabama - pike full in,  sw side + popa + straddle 1/2,  1 1/2 + fro 1/1, FHS + rudi 9.9

Rachel Gowey BB FL -  sw + spl,  BHS + LOSO+LOSO,  cat leap + fro aerial, small balance check,  gainer 1/1 dismount.9.85

Maddie Desch FX Bama -  double arabian, perfect,  1 1/2 + fro 1/2 + sissone,  sw ring + tour jete,  double back, solid. Best routine I've seen from her so far! 9.925

Alicia Boren BB FL -  fro aerial,  BHS + LOSO,  sw + straddle,  cat leap + gainer loso,  gainer 1/1, hop on the landing. 9.775

Kiana Winston BB Alabama -  DLO, beautiful,  fro lay + fro 1/1,  sw ring + sw 1/2,  double back. 10.00

Alex McMurty BB - fro aerial,  BHS + LOSO,  sw + shushunova + back hip circle, round off + 2/1 twist, hop. 9.875

Aja Sims FX Bama -  double pike,  sw Side + popa,  1 1/2 + fro lay,  double back.  Huge height. Another beautiful routine! 9.95

Final Scores -
Alabama 197.825, floor 49.625
Florida 197.425, beam 49.300


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