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European Championships Team Final Live Blog

It's 6 am and I'm up live blogging the European Championships.

First rotation

Valeria Osipova FX UKR -  pike full in,  clean tuck full in good landing,  sw leap +  tour jete 1/2, front tuck through to dbl tuck, bit under rotated, sw 1/2, dbl pike, good landing, but again, slightly under rotated. 12.333

Kelly Simm GBR UB -  toe full + ray  + tkatchev + pak, shap 1/2, DLO, some leg seps in air, but good landing. 13.866

Angelina Simakova RUS VT - Handspring rudi, but piked on second flip 14.266

Lillia Akiamova VT RUS -  super power full handspring rudi, bit piked in the air, chest down on landing.

Dorina Boeczoego HUN BB- missed half her routine trying to figure out how to spell her damned name, side aerial, nice leap positions, spl + spl ring, sw ring, round off + dbl tuck, chest a bit down on landing, but  solid.

Georgia Mae Fenton GBR -  clear hip _ ricna + pak,  toe shoot to HB,  full in dismount, small hop, Solid routine. 14.1

Angelina Melnikova RUS VT - DTY, solid landing, chest up, maybe some slight piking, chest position good 14.366

Someone on floor has Missy Reinstadtler's floor music

Nora Feher - BB- Sw 1/2,  nice,  y tunr 1/1,  BHS + LOSO,  fro aerial, small wobble, spl + wolf, side aerial,  sw + side somi, big wobble, holds it,  front full dismount, stuck landing. 12.166

Rotation 1B -

Vera Van Pol NED BB - sw + spl,  full turn,  solid,  small wobble,  BHS + LOSO< steps out, sw side, beautiful, BHS 1/1, falls, Korbut flip,  dismounts with stuck 1 1/2 11.366

Marine Boyer VT FRA -  beautiful, high DTY, but slightly off to the side, maybe OOB, definitely oob, landed with one foot in the red, it'll be a neutral deduction 13.6

Caterina Careghetti UB ITA - falls on clear hip pirouette, back up,  clear hip, repeats skill, but  can't get it up,  toe shoot to HB,  dbl pike

Melanie De Jesus Dos Santos VT FRA -  big steps back on her DTY, some feet flexing in air

Sanne Wevers BB NED -  round off + bhs mount,  clean, dbl L turn, nice,  side aerial + BHS,  fro aerial + spl jump + bhs 1/1, beautiful, single L + full turn front +  dbl full turn back, gainer back pike full 13.7

Colline Devillard VT FRA -  Rudi, some piking 14.7

They're replaying someone on floor, I missed who it was but her toe point is to die for. It's Cintia Rodriguez

Rotation 2 -

Kelly Simm BB - back tuck, thought she wobbled, but she was dancing out,  falls on her leap series, falls again on beat jump full, round off dbl back, small step to the side. 9.7

Melnikova UB RUS _  in bar ful  + in bar shap + pak, Shap 1/2, in bar 1/2 + pike jaeger,  slightly short in hs on giant 1/2, full in dismount, solid.  She's looking super solid these days. 14.033

Sara Peter HUN FX -  triple full opening,  dbl tuck, small bounce out,  sw  + tour jete 1/2,  FHS + fro 2/1, spl jump full,  3/1 turn,  sw side, nice.

Diana Varinska VT UKR - Y 1 1/2, steps to the side, some slight soft knees

Uliana Peribinosova UB RUS -   tweddle + yezhova, sweet,  giant full + tkatchev + pak, shap 1/2, solid full in

Alice Kinsella GBR BB- candlestick mount,  side aerial + BHS + LOSO, solid, sw + sw side, beautiful leap positions, 2/1 turn, almost off but, saves it,  fr aerial, balance check, nerves are shot,  round off + 1 1/2 twist dismount. 12.566'

Boecgzoego FX - DLO , OOB, beautiful memmel turn,  fhs + dbl front,  sw. sw ring, full to  spl jump, spl jump 1/1,  clean stuck dbl pike to finish. 12.7

Tisha Volleman FX NED -  4/1 turn + 2/1 turn,  clean full in to open,  1 1/2 + front full, very clean,  dbl L turn, free leg is bent,  3/1 twist,  spl leap, 3/1 turn, leg was bent on the L jump full 13.2

Lorette Charpy FRA UB -  toe full, comes off on second toe on element,  chwo 1/2,  toe 1/2 + nice pike jaeger, ricna,  pak,  shap 1/2,  beautiful DLO, this would have been a great score if not for the fall, FUCK.  12/533

Van Pol FX NED -  beautiful dbl arabian, big bounnce out, but stays in bounds,  2 1/2 + front tuck,  sw + tour jete + popa, her floor music is the score to an '80's movie - not any one in particular, just in general. sw side 1/2,  1 1/2 +front full 12.9

Juliette Bossu UB FRA -  in bar 1/1 + chow 1/2, nice,  in bar + in bar 1/2 + huge pike jaeger to pak, shap 1/2,  giant 1/2 + dbl front, small hop, great routine. 14.2

Celine Van Gerner NED FX -  2/1 turn, beautiful,  tourjete 1/2,  clean dbl tuck, perfect,  1 1/2 + front full, slight step out, but still solid on landing,   sw + sw 1 1/2,  sw 1/2, 13.1

MDJDS - ub  ricna _ pka, nice shap 1/2, routine is so quick and clean, full twisting DLO dismount. 14.4

Ana Perez ESP VT - FTY, stuck, solid landing. That would be a 9.95 in NCAA, it's 13.7


  1. Russia 85.397
  2. France 83.733
  3. Ukraine 77.898
  4. Spain 77.399
  5. Netherlands

Irina Alekseeva BB RUS - round off BHS + LOSO mount,  wolf full,  bhs + bhs + 2 ft lay, front aerial, sw sdie aerial solid, spl + wolf jump,  sw 1/2, bit under 180,  round off + 2/1 13.233

Yana Federova UKR UB -  shap old scholl + pak,  toe show + bail, toe shoot to HB,  toe 1/2 + jaeger, single layout flyaway dismount.

Simakova BB RUS -  candlestick mount,  sw ring,  BHS + LOSO,  fro aerial + spl ring jump, back foot flexed,  sw + spl, slight wobble,  full turn, solid,  side aerial, slight bal check,  side aerial, chest down, round off + dbl back, very clean. Russia is killing it on beam. No one has fallen yet! 13.366

Boeczoego VT hun - HS front tuck, solid and good landing.

Melnikova BB RUS -  front tuck mt + spl + wolf, solid,  s w ring,  BHS + LOSO, slight wobble,  l turn 1 1/2, she meant to do a full, but pulled a chiles, front tuck + spl ring jump, side somi,  round off + dbl pike, chest slightly down, takes a step, but solid overall. 13.333 gives Russia 125.329 after 3 rotations

Fenton FX GBR - triple full,  1 1/2 + front full, hop back, memmel turn + single y turn,  l hop full,  clean stuck dbl tuck, sw 1/2, that would be a 10 in NCAA. 13.2 gives GBR 114.331 after 3 rotations

Boglarka Devai -  HS dbl full, some piking, step back on landing 14.266

Charpy BB -  round off + LOSO mount,  BHS + LOSO, solid,  wolf turn 3/1 + 2/1,  side aerial, beautiful sissone + spl leap,  spl 3/4, nicely round, fro aerial  + sissone + bhs, solid, round off + dbl pike, really low landing, chest down and deep knee bend. 12.933

Noomi Vissar VT NED - FTY, very clean. Carol would give that a ten in NCAA because Carol.

Paula Raya UB ESP pike jaeger,  bail,  toe on + toe shoot to HB,  giant 1/2 + jaeger,  giant 1/2 + full in, small hop.

MDJDS BB FRA - front tuck mount, solid,  front pike, small wobble, BHS + beautiful 2 ft lay, sw + spl, sw 1/2, bit under 180, front aerial  + spl + BHS,  spl 3/4, very nice, full turn,  nice rhythm and flow,  round off + dbl tuck, very nice, small step to the side.  She get's a 5,000,000 from me and my baby who is moving around in my uterus excitedly, he already knows good gymnastics and he's not even born yet. 13.6

Volleman VT NED - DTY, slightly off to the side 14/266

Boyer BB FRA -  fro aerial, slight wobble, spl + spl 1/2, off on her 2ft layout series,  sw + sw 1/2,  l turn full + full turn,  side aerial, slight wobble again, side somi,  spl 3/4,  round off + dbl pike. 12.166 122.432 for france after 3 rotations

Ana Perez ESP UB pike jaeger to pak, toe on + shap + gienger,  giant full, DLO 1/1

Scores after 3 rotations -

  1. Russia 125.329
  2. France 122.432
  3. Netherlands 119.164

Rotation 4

Simakova FX RUS  -  2 1/2 + front full,  full in, chest a bit down,  tour jete 1/2,  wolf turn 1/1,  dbl pike, very clean, sw +sw 1/2,  clean dbl tuck to finish, solid routine.  13.333

Simm VT GBR -  round off 1/2 on 1/2 off, solid.

Noemi Makra UB HUN = pike jaeger,  pak, nice,  toe on, off on a toe full, toe shoot to HB, dbl pike dismount

Akhaimova FX RUS -  Big DLO, some soft knees,  full in,  clean dbl L turn,  dbl arabian, step forward,  wolf turn 2/1, sw 1/1,  dbl tuck, spl + tour jete 1/2, 13.000

Kinsella VT GBR - DTY, lots of distance, good height, hop back on landing, slightly piked in landing. 14.333

Lucy Stanhope GBR VT - DTY good distance and height, slight piking on landing 14.566

Melnikova VT RUS -  dbl  L +2/1 turn, DLO 1/1, sw + ferrari,  big DLO, solid landing,  wolf turn 3/1,  front tuck + dbl tuck, solid,  memmel turn, nice,  dbl pike, chest a bit down on landing, but still solid.  Russia's like "Ok, give us gold now, everyone else can go home, bye." 13.533 gives Russia 165.195

Boeczoego off on a toe full on bars,  stalder full + shap stalder + stalder 1/2, short on hs, to shoot to HB, pike jaeger, sits down her dbl pike dismount.  10.4

Charpy FX FRA -  sw 1/1,  sits down her dbl front,  stuck dbl back,  fhs + fro full, wolf turn 1/1,  dbl pike, solid, sw + sw side, 11.8

Van Gerner UB NED toe 1/2 + nice high jaeger,  toe full + bail,  toe shoot to HB,  stalder full + full in, stuck the landing. 13.733

Boyer FX FRA -  1 1/2 + front tuck,  sw ring 1/2,  looks like she bailed out of, it wonky on the memmel turn,  clean dbl back,  wolf 2/1,  clean dbl pike,  l hop full, spl jump 1/1. 12.933

Van Pol UB giant 1/2 + huge jaeger, so high,  toe on + tkatchev + pak,  lost rhythm on toe on,  shap, toe shoot to HB,  clean dbl pike dismount, it's an NCAA 10. 12.933

MDJDS FX FRA -  DLO 1/1, great form and landing,  clean full in, very open,  sw 1/2,  wolf turn 2/1,  front lay + dbl back, chest a little down on landing,  beautiful, clean high dbl pike,  sw 1/1 13.966

Wevers UB NED -  clear hip to old school shap, bail, toe shoot to HB,  clean HS positions, giant 1/1 + giant 1/2 + clean high jaeger, beautiful DLO, stuck. 13.733, gives Netherlands the bronze.

Final Standings -
Russia defends their European Champ title from 2016, party time!

  1. Russia  165.195
  2. France 161.131
  3. Netherlands 159.563
  4. Great Britain 157.263
  5. Ukraine 152.129
  6. Italy 151.496
  7. Spain 150.063
  8. Hungary 149.729


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